This week, starting Monday the 18th, has been a VERY LONG week for me. Joshua left for Atlanta, his last trip this calendar year. Normally when he leaves it is not the best week for me, but not as crazy as this one was.
This week was not only my first week of school, but also our first week of Volleyball practice. I would have to leave the house about 6:30 in the morning, and I would get home around 7-7:30. I would swing by the house jump out of my car, run in and let the dog out, and then hop in the van and head to Emporia to pick Cooper up from Grandma's house. I would get home around 8:15, go threw Coopers night routine, but him to bed, iron my clothes for the next day, go to bed, and get up to do it all over again. Throw in a meeting on Tuesday and Thursday night and the rest of my week is a blur.
Cooper is such a trooper when daddy is gone. The poor guy gets shuffled around SOOOOO much, but for the most part he handles it well. Occasionally something happens and I can tell that he is missing daddy. This week one of those things happened. I took him up to bed and we did our normal routine: say our "Amen" (this is what Cooper calls saying his prayers), give each other "nuddles" (snuggles), give each other a hug and a kiss, and then Cooper will say, "momma lay down". I lay down next to him for about 15-30 seconds then one more kiss and I leave him. Everything was normal until I left. Cooper started crying and saying, "momma, nigh-night wit you, nigh-night wit you." I said, "no buddy, you need to stay in your big boy. Coopers reply, "nigh-night in mommy's big boy bed." I giggled as I continued walking down the stairs. I did find this all a little odd since Cooper has NEVER slept in our bed......EVER! Anyway, I finished a few things that I needed to get done and was off to bed.
I walked up the stairs and this is what I found..........

Cooper had walked across the hallway and made himself nice and comfy in our bed. It was a very sweet site. I picked him up and carried him to his room without him even realizing it. I think he just wanted to have a little security for the night!!