We are not quite sure Cooper knows what this means yet, but if you ask him about being a big brother he will say, "I want siser".
Only God knows now, but in April we all hope to find out. That's right, April could be a big month for the Meyer family. For those of you who don't already have it on your calendar, Cori's wedding is scheduled for April 25th. Are you ready for this........Baby Hamlin, April 21st. GREAT TIMING!!!!!
This baby was planned, but not expected. Joshua and I ideally wanted to have our next baby around May or June. Well, come July we decided we better start trying, knowing we did not really want to get pregnant until August or September. However, I did not want to miss an opportunity to try not knowing how long it could take. We got lucky and got it on the first try with Cooper, but would that happen again? I was willing to take the chance and have a baby at the end of a school year, and not at the beginning (to much work for a sub). Well, once again, as with Cooper, we got the job done on the first try. I honestly did not think that I was pregnant when I took the test, but in no time at all the proof was there.
Currently, I am just about 11 weeks, almost done with the first trimester. So far this pregnancy has been easy like Cooper was, but very different.
With Cooper, I was already wearing Maternity shirts but not pants. Last time smells REALLY REALLY bothered me, not so much this time. With Cooper my belly went straight out and was high. This time I seem to be going more out on the sides and belly is lower. Finally, with Cooper I wanted spicy food. This time I have wanted sour and HATE mint flavored anything (I dread brushing my teeth).
I have been to the Dr. twice. The first time was just for paper work and blood work. The second time I was just over 8 weeks and we were able to find a heartbeat. It was 178. The first time we heard Cooper's it was 183.
I am finally past the days of being exhausted. That was tough!!!! Getting up at 5:45 for work, and getting home from volleyball practice around 7:00 made for some long days. Joshua was very supportive and let me sleep when I needed to.
So far so good, but I still worry every day. My pregnancy with Cooper was textbook. Are we lucky enough to have another one?