Monday, March 29, 2010
Play time
Cooper got this tunnel for his 1st birthday from our friends down in TX, the Schroer's. Him and Maylea just love to play with this thing. They will laugh and laugh while playing in it. It is hard to get pictures of them b/c they are normally inside the thing together and you can't get a decent shot. I did manage to get a couple of them on the move.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
What ya doin'?
new "hat"
Can't get enough.........FOOD!
You would seriously think that I never feed my children. They always seem to be hungry. Anytime I have food, I better have something on my plate that Maylea can have as well. She gets GRUMPY if someone around her is eating and she doesn't have anything. This morning after breakfast, I caught her picking the crumbs of her muffin out of the highchair and eating them.

Favoirte Toy
Maylea's favorite thing to do is to clear off and clean out. Anything I have sitting on the coffee table, she will knock it all off. If the diaper bag is sitting on the floor, she will pull everything out of it. When we go to grandma and grandpa's, she has found the cabinet with lids. She will play with them and pull them ALL out. I love that it keeps her entertained, but I hate picking them all up!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Crazy Bedhead
Hamlin Family Pictures
I am not at all good about taking pictures of the Hamlin family. I am not sure what the deal is. I think that part of the problem is that my camera is always in my purse, but when we do things with the Hamlin's I don't normally take my purse. I don't think that I will need it when we are just driving a couple blocks. So, when my sister-in-law, Lacie, sent me some I knew I needed to put them on the blog.
This is Grandma Gayle, Aunt Chantal and all the grandkids. Faith has since been added to the family, but this picture was taken at Thanksgiving before she was born. You can see that Cooper is the only boy and that my kids (of the grandkids) will be the only ones that are not "towheads"

This is Gayle with the grandkids and her children
Good big brother
Cooper keeps some of his toys in this little wagon at grandma and grandpa's house. He wheeled it out into the living room, and the next thing we know he is pulling his sister around it. Maylea was loving it!!! She was squealing and laughing the whole time.
Popsicle Video
I put the pictures on here of Maylea eating the popsicle, but couldn't get the video uploaded. You can see how possessive she was of it and how angry she was when you tried to take it away.
Ready for Spring
We finally had a nice day outside and I had promised Cooper that we could play on his swing set. The ground is still VERY wet, so Maylea couldn't play in the grass, and I didn't want to hold her the whole time SOOOO, we went to Walmart and bought Maylea a swing. She was going to get one from Santa, but we couldn't find any at Christmas time. I would have held off until her birthday, but with the nice weather coming, I didn't want to wait a month and a half.
Maylea LOVED the swing. I cannot wait for the Spring weather to be more consistant so that we can play outside more often.
Maylea LOVED the swing. I cannot wait for the Spring weather to be more consistant so that we can play outside more often.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Saturday Morning
Maylea has learned to climb. Saturday morning while daddy was unloading the dishwasher he turned his back for just a second and when he turned back around, this is what he found.

Big brother going in for a kiss!!!

We are convinced that Maylea is going to be bigger than her brother (I have come to realize I will be the shortest in my family!!!). The girl will EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT..... We will feed her and she will always want more. When we are eating dinner we have to be sure and have something on our plate for her as well, because it doesn't go over to well if we are eating and she isn't. Maylea LOVES vegetables (not complaining). Other than bananas she doesn't eat much fruit, but any vegetables you give her she will eat. I even made myself an artichoke the other night and she ate most of it. Here I have put a couple pictures of Maylea eating her first muffin for breakfast. I couldn't even get a pictur of the muffin and she already had half of it in her mouth!

Big brother going in for a kiss!!!

First Popsicle
Joshua had an aunt and uncle in town from Garden City. A few of the Hamlin's were able to get together with them while they were here. Cousin Olivia gave Maylea her first popsicle. Maylea loved it!!!! With those teeth coming in I am sure it felt good on her gums. I have a video of her eating it that is too funny. We were trying to help her with the popsicle, and she would not let us take it from her....she got GRUMPY!!!! I will post the video later.
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