Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Around 6:30 Sunday night we meet up with some friends and let the kids ride around town on a "hay rack ride". We would drop them off at one end of a well lit street (meaning lots of porch lights on) and pick them up at the end. Cooper had a blast and did a great job keeping up with the "big kids". We will have to practice a little with him for next year because SO many times he was hopping off the trailer without his pumpkin bag. I would have to remind him to take it with him....he was just too excited. Another time he was running back to get on and he didn't have it. I hollered at him and he had to run back up to the porch and get it. Doesn't he know that's got all his candy in it???? Why on earth would he even think about putting it down? Maylea hit 1 out of every 5 houses with the kids. As long as she was getting off that trailer with all the other kids she didn't care. She was MAD if all the other kids got off and we didn't.

One house down the street from us goes ALL out every Halloween. They even do a little haunted house in their basement. Many of the kids wanted to go through it. Cooper was all excited to go until it got closer to his turn, then he decided it was scary. Maylea and I hung out in the "grave yard" while we waited for the other kids. Someone walked over to us (kinda creeped me out at first) when I realized it was my niece, Claire. Surprisingly with all the stuff around Maylea did not get scared.
We did request to make one stop at grandma Pat's and grandpa's house. We didn't get there earlier in the evening so we stopped with the trailer. All the kids hopped off and hit another house first, so we had Maylea go up "by herself". When Pat opened the door, Maylea walked right in and straight to the candy bowl. Cooper and his friends we close behind!!!!
For the last 2 weeks, we have randomly had to drive by grandma and grandpa's house to see if grandma Pat had her ghost out yet. I knew that she didn't put it out until Halloween night, but Cooper kept wanting to look for it. He was SOOOO excited when it was out last night. We take a picture next to it every year. This year I had a hard time getting Cooper to stand still long enough b/c all his friends were piling into his grandma's house and getting candy without him.

Pumpkin Patch

Joshua had been gone on another road trip and this time it was HARD to have him gone. It made for a LONG week for the kids and myself. Not exactly sure what was so different this time, but it was. While on the phone with Joshua, I had told him that when he got home we were doing something as a family. It was a beautiful day outside and so the pumpkin patch it was!!!!

Cooper was so funny. He ran from pumpkin to pumpkin saying, "oooohhhh mommy, this one looks good" and then he was off to another one. Maylea on the other hand was content in the wagon.

We did get her out to pick a pumpkin of her own, but as soon as she felt the stem poke her, she was done with that and back to the waggon she went.

This is my FAVORITE!!!!!

We let the kids play for a little while before we went home.