Our family has been very busy this summer. Joshua, is on the Americus Rec. board, and has to umpire softball/baseball games, we are both playing softball, and I am now a member of the Americus city council. With all the meetings and games we stay very busy!!
On father's Day we took Cooper to the pool for the first time. We had been concerned that he would not like the pool. Until the week of Father's Day, anytime we put Cooper near water (other than bath water) he would freak out on us. If we tried to get him to lay down in the bath water, he HATED it. That week things changed. I was in the bathroom reading my Health magazine when Cooper said, "mommy watch", I looked up and he was blowing bubbles on his belly. (I have pictures, but don't have the cord to connect my camera to computer). I could not believe it!!! Anyway, we went to the pool on Father's Day with the Hamlin family, and now Cooper wakes up every morning and says, "momma, go swimmin'?"
I had also planned on trying to potty train this week. I decided to do it the "old fashion" way. Just stay home all week, and get rid of the diapers. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. This has been a crazy week for us, and I have not been home hardly at all. I did put Cooper on the potty for about 10 min. and nothing. I thought, "okay, maybe he doesn't need to go." So, I went a head and put the "big boy pants" on him. OF COURSE, not 5 min. later he says, "Uh Oh mommy". At least it was in the kitchen on the hard wood and not the carpet.
Cooper also got his first (yes, almost 2 and his first) hair cut yesterday. Joshua and I have been discussing getting one for awhile. We had tried to find a time when we could both be there but that never happened. He was so excited about it until he had to sit in the chair. He immediately started to cry and say, "mommy, I hold you" so I got in the chair with him. By the time Evy was done he had calmed down. I am sure the sucker helped!
My pictures are actually in the reverse order that I wanted them, but hey...I'm learning!!!

1 comment:
Yeah Lea!! Looking forward to more posts and pics:)
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