Cooper and I spent the day in Wichita yesterday. We got to mom and dads about 10:30 am. On the trip there Cooper dumped grape juice all down the front of him. So, when we got to the house we threw the shirt in the wash.
Aunt Cori has been VERY BUSY with volleyball camps for the past few weeks, but she called and had time to meet for lunch. Cooper's shirt wasn't quite dry, but we left to meet her. We went to Fozoli's for lunch. So much for washing Coopers shirt. He had marinara sauce EVERYWHERE. Mom and I dropped Cori back off and ran into Wal-mart to get a couple of things including a new shirt. After we were done, we headed home and what is the first thing Cooper does? He takes the lid off his cup and dumps milk all down the front of him!!! I have 2 choices: wear the shirt that looks bad, or wear the shirt that smells bad!!!! UGH!!! You would think after 2 years I would have learned to take extra clothes no matter where I go.
I had to wake Cooper up from his nap about 3:30 to get to Derby by 4:00. Amber, Cooper's first daycare provider, had called earlier this week to see if we would be interested in meeting her and the kids at Rock River Rapids. Amber and Steve had adopted Makiah in April of 2006, and they are now foster patents for an 18 month old, Zachary, and are looking to adopt him. Both kids are adorable!!!!
Cooper and I made it to the park, and it was amazing. If any of you remember Fantasy, it was a smaller version of that. They have a couple of slides you can ride down on tubes, a lazy river, the big barrel of water that spills every 2 minutes, and all the kids stuff you can imagine to play with. It was a really neat place.
Cooper had a great time. We spent most of our time in the water spouts and on a little slide in the shallow end of the pool. Cooper went up and down, and up and down, over and over. Every time he would say, "momma, I do it." I think he liked being independent.....
We did ride around the lazy river a couple of times. Cooper liked to go under the waterfalls, "I get wet," he would say laughing. He was too short (surprisingly) to ride on any of the slides.