On Friday night, Joshua and a couple friends of ours were at the ball field putting up fence and working the field. Tyson brought out his four-wheeler to drag the field. Cooper was so excited to see his "motorcyctle". He was even more excited when Ben gave him a ride on the "motorcyctle".

Cooper had to tell Natalie (Nat a nee) good bye, but of course could not take the helmet off to do so.

On Sunday afternoon we headed out to the lake with some friends. We didn't really have any plans for being on the water except to relax. The whole way out to the lake Cooper kept saying, "I drive da boat." So when we got there we made sure to tell Charlie who the Captain was. Cooper did a good job. He didn't love being in the water as much as he does at the pool, but he did go "twimmn'" a little bit.

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