Monday night was a long night for our family. I came home from work, was not feeling great, and I was exhausted. I told Cooper good night about 7:45, hopped in the shower, and headed to bed a little after 8. Boy, am I glad I did......
Cooper woke up at 1:11 am, coming up the stairs saying, "mommy-daddy" I got up to get him and he said something that caught my attention (can't remember now what it was--too tired). However, I flipped on the light and there it was......puke all over him. All over his face, hands, and jamms.
I told Joshua, "I may be needing your help." I took of his jamms, threw them in the laundry, went to the bathroom to clean him up, and went into his bedroom. It was EVERYWHERE. I had to change all the bedding, and clean the carpet (the dogs helped a little bit). I gave Cooper some new jamms and told him to take them to daddy to put them on (yeah, he stayed in bed.)
I put all the bedding in the wash (except the comforter wouldn't fit). Then called to Josh to come help put the new bedding on. It is hard for me to get in the bunk bed to do it. While he did the bedding, I was cleaning the carpet. During all if this Cooper seemed to be fine. He wanted me to make him some muffins and watch TV.
We got him back to bed, and about 30 min. later he came up saying, "Mommy, I dirty again"....yep, more puke!!! Not near as much this time, but we still had to change the bedding again. By this time the first load was done so I could add this new stuff. Cooper went back to bed. He did wake up again asking for some milk, and Joshua got him some. Then at 5:45 he was up and ready for the day.
He acted fine when he got up so we went ahead and sent him to daycare. It wasn't too much later that Josh left work to go and get him. He had a couple of really bad diapers. Josh spent the day with him. He got sick one other time and had a couple bad diapers. Cooper didn't have much of an appetite for about 3 days, but all the messy stuff was done after the first day. I am really surprise how well he handled the situation. It didn't seem to bother him or scare him like I expected it too.