The following Saturday (24th) Joshua had to leave again. This time for Anaheim, CA. I decided this time I was not going to stay home with Cooper and we headed to Wichita to see mom and dad for the weekend. This really helps the time pass when Joshua is gone. I had a little more difficulty getting Cooper to and from Megan's this week. I had all the days covered except for Tues. and I finally found a friend that was willing to help us out (THANKS NATALIE!!!) Well, just as I did that my Dr. office called and had to cancel my apt. (which I was taking the day off for b/c I had to do my diabetic testing and other stuff). That just happened to work out great. I rescheduled for that Tuesday and took that day off instead. My day on Tues. was jammed pack. I started by taking Cooper to Megan's, Brodie to the vet, then getting myself to the Dr. (more on the apt. later), and then back to get Cooper for a hair cut at 3 that afternoon. We made it through the day and had a good evening at home. The next morning I wake up about 5:30 to get ready and get Cooper to Aunt Lacie's by 6:30. I was ready to go, had the car started, Cooper's bag packed, and I went in to wake him up. My motherly instinct told me right away something was not right. We went to the bathroom to take his temp, and of course it was 100.8. He couldn't have gotten sick yesterday when I already had the day off!!!! I gave him some Motrin, called for a sub, ran to Lacie's to email some lesson plans to the secretary, and headed back home with Cooper. By 9 or 10 that morning, the fever was gone and it never came back. Just a bad cold I guess. Joshua came home on Thurs. the 29th. He had been gone 11 of the last 16 days in January. Poor Cooper was shuffled from person to person, his routine was all messed up, and all he would keep saying is, "mommy, I want my daddy." Talk about breaking a mommas heart!!!
Cooper was feeling better the next day, and I was able to get him to Aunt Lacie's in the morning. Lacie sent me this picture via Blackberry of the kids eating breakfast (Claire 5th grade, and Oliva 1st). Can you tell they are all 3 Hamlin's?
That Friday was a tough day at our house. We woke up knowing that Cooper (and us) had to say good-bye to "Miss Megan". Cooper has been one of "Megan's Munchkins" since he was 6 months old. She is WONDERFUL, and we love her. Megan has had some issues come up in her family that she needed to get taken care of, and couldn't do daycare along with it. Megan is one of the most patient, kind, and understand people I have ever met. I even learned a few things from her along the way that I felt have made me a better mom. It has only been a week, but Cooper still asks for her (and her daughters) every morning and night. We know that he is very young, but we hope that he never forgets Megan. She has had such a huge impact on his life and we owe her so much for all she has done!!!!!
****I had hoped to get a picture of Cooper and Megan, but I forgot to give Joshua the camera that day when he went to pick him up. SORRY!!!
On Fri. the 30th we had to make a trip to Manhattan so that I could get some stuff from my Aunt. We got to Uncle Carl and Aunt Debi's house about 6:15 that night. They had ordered Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner. We all ate, and then while Aunt Debi and I worked on some things for a crop I was working the next day, Joshua and Cooper went into town to visit some friends. Cooper and Donavan played together for a couple hours and then they came back to get me. I started to feel a bit of a cold coming on while we were there, but thought maybe it was allergies.

I worked my crop on Saturday (9:30 - 9:30) while battling a cold. Joshua and Cooper got to spend some much needed father - son time together.
On Sunday, we didn't do much of anything. I think that it was 3 in the afternoon before I even got in the shower. I was still fighting my cold and thought it might actually make me feel better. We grilled some hamburgers and had fried potatoes for lunch. You can see how wiped out Cooper was from the whole weekend!!!! Poor boy was too tired to even eat his oranges....his favorite.

We watched the supperbowl and headed to bed. It had been a crazy couple of weeks, and we were ready for our normal routine to start again.
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