Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Appt.

I went to the Dr. yesterday for another check up and my sonogram. I am feeling much better about my progress and being able to stay at work now. The sonogram measured the baby at approximately 6 lbs. 10 oz. The Dr. was happy with this being as how this size is within the normal range (I was very relieved to hear this as well). The ultrasound tech assumes the reason I am measuring so big is because the baby is literally sitting in my belly in a tight ball.....hence I look like I have a basketball under my shirt.

Everything with my check up went well. My blood pressure was normal, I didn't gain any weight, and the baby's HR was 140. When Dr. Kemp checked me I was still about 2 cm. My cervix has not really started to thin out so I am confident now that I will be able to stay at work until April 9th. However, ANYTIME after that would be great!!!

I go back again next Monday and will update you then.


MeMaw said...

Are you sure you didn't peek???

Lea Hamlin said...

Honestly, the baby is "so big" now that you don't really see as much as you would think. Plus, if I did get a view of that area I didn't even realize it....even when she tells me what I am looking at I don't always see it. However, I so badly want it to be a surprise I didn't even try to peek!!!! The tech did make a comment once about his/hers, but I am not reading into it....but, it makes me wonder.

MeMaw said...

Ack, so which did the tech say, his OR hers??? Yeah, I don't do well at Christmas either, the suspense is killing me:)