Since about an hour after I delivered Maylea, I have had a headache. At first I just assumed it was because of stress, and a side effect from the epidural. As the day(s) went on, the headache and the pain has gotten worse and worse. I had gotten to the point that I was prescribed a muscle relaxer, could barely get up to go to the bathroom, and almost cried through taking a shower. As long as I was laying down and staying still I was fine. Trying to sit up or use my arms was nearly impossible. Today, the Dr. finally decided that we needed to bring the anesthesiologist back in just to make sure.
He got to my room about 3:00 this afternoon, and after talking to him for about 15 minutes, he knew that I had a leak in my spinal cord. I had to go down to surgery to get the problem fixed. The procedure was short and simple. Joshua had gone into work to tie up a few loose ends and was waiting to hear from me that we were ready to come home. I text him and told him that we weren't going home, but I needed him to come up here as soon as he could. He just happened to already be on his way.
When he got here, I explained the situation to him, and with in 10 min. I was on my way down to the recovery room (they did the procedure there). There they started me an IV with fluids and some fentanyl. Then they put an IV in my other arm and reinserted the epidural needle in my back. Once the needle was in place, the nurse withdrew blood out of my arm, handed it to the anesthesiologist, and he inserted it into my back. This is supposed to create a blood patch to fix the leak. Once it was inserted I had to lay there for 10 min. and then was on my way back up to my room. The whole thing from leaving to getting back to my bed was about an hour. With in 30 min. I was a completely different person.
We were going to go home yesterday, but Maylea had lost too much weight (I just got my milk in) and we had to stay to monitor her weight. Thank God for small favors!!! Had I gone home, I am not sure we would have figured this out. When talking to the anesthesiologist about it, it doesn't sound like it would have corrected itself to quickly (if at all) and I could have suffered permanent damage. I have to stay in bed for 24 hours, and then we will be able to head home. So about 4 tomorrow, God willing, the Hamlin family will be home together.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Labor and delivery details
On Wednesday, we got to the hospital to check in at 6:30 AM. We got up to our room and Dr. Kemp was there shortly after. He checked me (3 cm 50% effaced) and injected the "P gel" into the cervix about 7:15. Then I had to lay in bed for an hour. At 8:15, I had to get up and walk for an hour. Mom showed up just in time to walk with me....up and down up and down the hallway. At 9:15 when I was done walking, the nurse check and I was at a 4. At this time, I asked her to start thinking about the epidural. I told her I didn't want to miss my window of opportunity (from 4-7 cm). She went to get the saline to start my IV, and ran into an anesthesiologist in the hallway and told him to hang around.
During this time, my contractions were getting pretty strong (they had been about 2 min. apart since we checked in that morning). I was getting really restless and uncomfortable. When the anesthesiologist finally got started, it took everything I had to sit still and let him work his magic. It took him about 20 min. to get the whole thing done. This was BY FAR the longest 20 min. I have had in a long time. Dr. Kemp had stepped in while we were getting the epidural put in to break my water. He waited until we were done, checked me (now at 8 cm), and broke my water. The anesthesiologist was getting ready to hook up my pump when I told the nurses that I was having A LOT of pressure and needed to push. The nurse checked me (this is maybe 5 min. after being an 8) and she said, "were there!!" They told me that I needed to hang on and let them get ready. I was really having a tough time with this....I wanted to push. Finally, I was able to start pushing. About 4 pushes later (11:23 AM) we delivered a little girl.
Everything went so fast, and it was so different from everything that happened with Cooper. Cooper's labor went fast, but I don't remember it quite as well as I do this one. I don't remember the epidural taking as long to get put in with Cooper. With Cooper, I pushed for 3 hours and personally had no problem pushing. This time, it took everything I had to push the few times I had to. I was "that lady" when I was pushing, and kept saying, "I can't, I can't push that hard." Something felt really different this time and I had a hard time. I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that my epidural did not have as much time to kick in and help me relax.
Everything went so smoothly and quickly, I couldn't be happier. Josh is THRILLED to have a little girl. He got to cut the cord this time, and we have been able to enjoy having Maylea Brenea in our room unlike Cooper who had to be in the nursery the whole time.
God has granted me the wish I have wanted my whole life. I always wanted two kids, one boy one girl. I wanted to have the boy first so that my daughter always had an overprotective older brother. Wish granted!!!!
During this time, my contractions were getting pretty strong (they had been about 2 min. apart since we checked in that morning). I was getting really restless and uncomfortable. When the anesthesiologist finally got started, it took everything I had to sit still and let him work his magic. It took him about 20 min. to get the whole thing done. This was BY FAR the longest 20 min. I have had in a long time. Dr. Kemp had stepped in while we were getting the epidural put in to break my water. He waited until we were done, checked me (now at 8 cm), and broke my water. The anesthesiologist was getting ready to hook up my pump when I told the nurses that I was having A LOT of pressure and needed to push. The nurse checked me (this is maybe 5 min. after being an 8) and she said, "were there!!" They told me that I needed to hang on and let them get ready. I was really having a tough time with this....I wanted to push. Finally, I was able to start pushing. About 4 pushes later (11:23 AM) we delivered a little girl.
Everything went so fast, and it was so different from everything that happened with Cooper. Cooper's labor went fast, but I don't remember it quite as well as I do this one. I don't remember the epidural taking as long to get put in with Cooper. With Cooper, I pushed for 3 hours and personally had no problem pushing. This time, it took everything I had to push the few times I had to. I was "that lady" when I was pushing, and kept saying, "I can't, I can't push that hard." Something felt really different this time and I had a hard time. I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that my epidural did not have as much time to kick in and help me relax.
Everything went so smoothly and quickly, I couldn't be happier. Josh is THRILLED to have a little girl. He got to cut the cord this time, and we have been able to enjoy having Maylea Brenea in our room unlike Cooper who had to be in the nursery the whole time.
God has granted me the wish I have wanted my whole life. I always wanted two kids, one boy one girl. I wanted to have the boy first so that my daughter always had an overprotective older brother. Wish granted!!!!
Miss Maylea
Monday, April 13, 2009
We are having a baby....
I just got done at my Dr. appt. Again, nothing as far as progress has really changed. I did loose a pound. We got to talking, and I asked Dr. Kemp if I came back on Monday (20th) if he would keep me. He did look at the calendar, but didn't really say much except that I would be within my 39th week.
The baby's heart rate was at 160 today. It has been ranging in the 130's - 140's. He decided to hook me up to the monitors and check to make sure that everything was still okay. I got hooked up and sat there for 15 min. My contractions were coming about every 3 min. They are not strong, but I could definitely feel them. Everything else looked good.
Susan, my nurse, and Dr. Kemp walked in, checked the monitor, and Dr. Kemp said, "well, how does Wednesday sound?" I must have looked at him in disbelief. He said, "is this okay?" I was in shock and said, "I am just taking this all in." He said, "I figure the timing with the baby is okay, and you can rest awhile before the wedding."
Susan, went to call the hospital and had it all arranged. When she came back with all my instructions she said, she wouldn't be surprised if I did end up going into labor on my own. However, we will go to the hospital this Wed. the 15th (tax day) at 6:30 AM and start the process. Dr. Kemp does a Prostaglandin Gel instead of the patosin drip. They will start the process right away, and we will go from there.
I will have our lap top at the hospital with us, I assume the hospital will have wireless Internet so that we can keep everyone posted on our progress. Until then, I have A LOT to get done at home!!!!
The baby's heart rate was at 160 today. It has been ranging in the 130's - 140's. He decided to hook me up to the monitors and check to make sure that everything was still okay. I got hooked up and sat there for 15 min. My contractions were coming about every 3 min. They are not strong, but I could definitely feel them. Everything else looked good.
Susan, my nurse, and Dr. Kemp walked in, checked the monitor, and Dr. Kemp said, "well, how does Wednesday sound?" I must have looked at him in disbelief. He said, "is this okay?" I was in shock and said, "I am just taking this all in." He said, "I figure the timing with the baby is okay, and you can rest awhile before the wedding."
Susan, went to call the hospital and had it all arranged. When she came back with all my instructions she said, she wouldn't be surprised if I did end up going into labor on my own. However, we will go to the hospital this Wed. the 15th (tax day) at 6:30 AM and start the process. Dr. Kemp does a Prostaglandin Gel instead of the patosin drip. They will start the process right away, and we will go from there.
I will have our lap top at the hospital with us, I assume the hospital will have wireless Internet so that we can keep everyone posted on our progress. Until then, I have A LOT to get done at home!!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Mommy update
I went to the Dr. on Monday (4/6/09). I have been very slow at getting an update put on, but there is really nothing to report. NOTHING CHANGED!!! My weight stayed the same, my blood pressure was good, the baby's heart rate was 134, and I was still at 2 cm.
I did talk to my nurse about being induced. I explained that this is really not what I want to do, but with the circumstances as they are wanted to check on my options. She assured me that Dr. Kemp is pretty easy going and will do this on request as long as it isn't too far out from the due date. I still don't think I am going to need to have this done, but at least I know this is an option. I will go back to the Dr. again on Monday the 13th. If at this time I have not made any more progress I will discuss this further.
Tuesday I will officially start my maternity leave from school. We didn't have school on Friday or Monday. I spent the whole day up at school on Friday getting things finalized (lessons, grades, cleaning, etc). I still have more to do and plan to go back either tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon or Monday after my appointment. I don't want to have to worry about anything once the baby gets here. Leaving now puts me at exactly 6 weeks from the end of the school year. I decided to take the week before my due date off because of the time it takes me to get to the hospital from School. The hospital is only 15 min. from our house in Americus, but it is an hour and 15 min. from Herington. My labor with Cooper went so quickly that I didn't want to get "stuck" trying to drive to Emporia in labor.
I will do my best to post an update on Monday after my appointment.
*****On a side note (sorry if it sounds like I am bragging):
I have been on the Americus City Council for about 10 months. This year the term of my seat was up for reelection. There ended up being another man in Americus who wanted to run for my seat as well. So, I actually had a challenger on the ballot. I was a little "worried" about how it would turn out because Mr. Grimsly has lived in Americus FOREVER. Not only has he lived there forever, but he is a direct decedent of one of the Grimsly's that helped found Americus years ago. However, it turns out that I won by a vote of 36 - 34 (good thing Joshua and I voted!!!) I know Americus is small town, but it was exciting to get to keep my seat.
I did talk to my nurse about being induced. I explained that this is really not what I want to do, but with the circumstances as they are wanted to check on my options. She assured me that Dr. Kemp is pretty easy going and will do this on request as long as it isn't too far out from the due date. I still don't think I am going to need to have this done, but at least I know this is an option. I will go back to the Dr. again on Monday the 13th. If at this time I have not made any more progress I will discuss this further.
Tuesday I will officially start my maternity leave from school. We didn't have school on Friday or Monday. I spent the whole day up at school on Friday getting things finalized (lessons, grades, cleaning, etc). I still have more to do and plan to go back either tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon or Monday after my appointment. I don't want to have to worry about anything once the baby gets here. Leaving now puts me at exactly 6 weeks from the end of the school year. I decided to take the week before my due date off because of the time it takes me to get to the hospital from School. The hospital is only 15 min. from our house in Americus, but it is an hour and 15 min. from Herington. My labor with Cooper went so quickly that I didn't want to get "stuck" trying to drive to Emporia in labor.
I will do my best to post an update on Monday after my appointment.
*****On a side note (sorry if it sounds like I am bragging):
I have been on the Americus City Council for about 10 months. This year the term of my seat was up for reelection. There ended up being another man in Americus who wanted to run for my seat as well. So, I actually had a challenger on the ballot. I was a little "worried" about how it would turn out because Mr. Grimsly has lived in Americus FOREVER. Not only has he lived there forever, but he is a direct decedent of one of the Grimsly's that helped found Americus years ago. However, it turns out that I won by a vote of 36 - 34 (good thing Joshua and I voted!!!) I know Americus is small town, but it was exciting to get to keep my seat.
Easter in Wichita
We came to Wichita on Friday after work. After a LONG night (none of us slept very well), we woke up with a full day of activities. Cooper and I started our day about 9 AM, picked up Aunt Cori and ran to Target. The Easter bunny needed to do some last minute shopping. After Target, we went to Cori's future mother-in-laws, Clarissia, house (and where Cori is currently living) to dye some Easter eggs. Clarissia, her niece, Melody, Connie, Clarissia good friend, and her granddaughter, Kennedy, get together to do this every year. They knew that Cooper and I were in town and invited us over. This kept Cooper entertained for about 15 minutes. Mommy ended up finishing the rest of the eggs herself.

While we were waiting for Connie and Kennedy to show up, Cooper found this cowboy hat. He was wearing it the whole time we were there. When we were leaving, Keith, Clarissia's husband, asked if Cooper wanted to keep it. Cooper was very excited that he got to take it home with him.
After we left Clarissia's, we went to Sedgwick County Park to meet up with Joshua. Him and Dad had been fishing this whole time. It was such a nice day we decided to take Cooper to the park to play. We ended up only being there about 15 min. because Cori, Luke, Joshua, and Cooper were going to the WSU baseball game at 2 PM and Cooper needed to try and get a short nap in. They went to the game (without getting a nap in). Today was actually a double header and in between games was an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Cori did get some pictures but I have not gotten them yet.
They got back to the house about 5 or so and grandma and grandpa Meyer were here to have our Easter dinner. HOWEVER, in traditional Urbanek fashion, we cannot celebrate Easter without and Easter egg hunt. Grandma had everything already "hidden" in the yard when they returned from the game. It took Cooper just a few seconds to figure out what was going on. He did a good job, and really enjoyed finding all his goodies. Jackson: it wasn't the same without you!!!!
Day with Daddy
Last Saturday (4/4/09) I had to work another crop from 10 AM-10 PM. Joshua and Cooper got to spend the whole day together. They had a very busy day full of activities and friends. Josh didn't get pictures of much, but wanted to share the ones that he did take.
In the morning when they woke up, they headed to Madison to meet up with Michael and his two kids. Michael is one of Joshua's best friends from HS. He has a daughter, Hannah, and a son, Braxton. Their original plan was to go fishing, but once they got to the lake (pond) the wind was so strong that they were only there for about 15 min. They ended up taking the kids to the park to play and then back to Michael's house for awhile.
They boys were back in Emporia around noon. They stop by to see me, had lunch at McDonalds, and then headed to Allen for the rest of the afternoon. They visited some friends there and went to a fish fry. They boys had a great day and got to see many friends. Cooper was wiped out when he got home.
In the morning when they woke up, they headed to Madison to meet up with Michael and his two kids. Michael is one of Joshua's best friends from HS. He has a daughter, Hannah, and a son, Braxton. Their original plan was to go fishing, but once they got to the lake (pond) the wind was so strong that they were only there for about 15 min. They ended up taking the kids to the park to play and then back to Michael's house for awhile.

They boys were back in Emporia around noon. They stop by to see me, had lunch at McDonalds, and then headed to Allen for the rest of the afternoon. They visited some friends there and went to a fish fry. They boys had a great day and got to see many friends. Cooper was wiped out when he got home.
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