Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mommy update

I went to the Dr. on Monday (4/6/09). I have been very slow at getting an update put on, but there is really nothing to report. NOTHING CHANGED!!! My weight stayed the same, my blood pressure was good, the baby's heart rate was 134, and I was still at 2 cm.

I did talk to my nurse about being induced. I explained that this is really not what I want to do, but with the circumstances as they are wanted to check on my options. She assured me that Dr. Kemp is pretty easy going and will do this on request as long as it isn't too far out from the due date. I still don't think I am going to need to have this done, but at least I know this is an option. I will go back to the Dr. again on Monday the 13th. If at this time I have not made any more progress I will discuss this further.

Tuesday I will officially start my maternity leave from school. We didn't have school on Friday or Monday. I spent the whole day up at school on Friday getting things finalized (lessons, grades, cleaning, etc). I still have more to do and plan to go back either tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon or Monday after my appointment. I don't want to have to worry about anything once the baby gets here. Leaving now puts me at exactly 6 weeks from the end of the school year. I decided to take the week before my due date off because of the time it takes me to get to the hospital from School. The hospital is only 15 min. from our house in Americus, but it is an hour and 15 min. from Herington. My labor with Cooper went so quickly that I didn't want to get "stuck" trying to drive to Emporia in labor.

I will do my best to post an update on Monday after my appointment.

*****On a side note (sorry if it sounds like I am bragging):
I have been on the Americus City Council for about 10 months. This year the term of my seat was up for reelection. There ended up being another man in Americus who wanted to run for my seat as well. So, I actually had a challenger on the ballot. I was a little "worried" about how it would turn out because Mr. Grimsly has lived in Americus FOREVER. Not only has he lived there forever, but he is a direct decedent of one of the Grimsly's that helped found Americus years ago. However, it turns out that I won by a vote of 36 - 34 (good thing Joshua and I voted!!!) I know Americus is small town, but it was exciting to get to keep my seat.

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