On Monday, June 15th, I took Maylea in for her 2 month appt. She is getting so big. That day she weighted 11 lbs. 12 oz. (94%) and measured 23.5 in (97%) her head was 15 in. (46%) she definitely does not have her brothers head . At 2 months Cooper was 14 lbs. 13 oz. and 24 in. long.
She did get her two month shots, and handled them pretty well. She ran a fever and slept all day, but was fine the next day.

While I was taking pictures, Cooper wanted in on them too. I love how Maylea put her hand on him as to say, "get out of my pictures."
She's growing too fast!! She's still such a petite little thing:) Love how she smiles for pics.
She looks JUST like you! Joshua got Cooper and you got Maylea!! HA! :) Soo pretty! And sooo happy! :)
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