Thursday, August 6, 2009

Maylea 3 months

Maylea did not have a 3 month check up so I don't have any details for you. However, she did roll over (back to tummy) for the first time on her 3 month "birthday". She even waited until daddy came home and could see it. Maylea does not really like to be on her belly, but every time she lays on her back she rolls over.....then gets angry.

We go to the Dr. for her 4 month check up on the 12th. I will post the details for you. This will be our last visit with our current pediatrician. Dr. Milburn turned in his resignation and is leaving in Sept. He was the only pediatrician in Emporia, so not sure yet what we will do!!!! He has been a great Dr. to both our kids. The guy has NO bed side manner, but is a VERY good Dr.

Bear for size.

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