Sunday, September 13, 2009

Maylea 5 months

I don't have much to update about Maylea's 5 months b/c there is no Dr. appt. until 6 months. The pictures I have added are not much different that some of the pictures you have seen in the past, but put them on anyway. Maylea is growing up so fast. She is a very laid back little girl, and the morning is still her best time of day. Joshua even commented the other day that it is worth getting up early in the morning just to play with her b/c she is in such a good mood.

She has been rolling over for a month now, but she is really starting to get around the floor. She has just started rolling multiple times here in the last week. This weekend she has started to tuck her knees up under her when she is trying to reach for something. She gets mad that she isn't getting anywhere, but she is really working at it.

The video at the bottom was taken a week ago. Maylea's first attempt at cereal. I was really going to try and hold off until closer to 6 months, but she is still not sleeping all that well and I thought maybe this would does!!!! I usually try to feed her around 7:30 or so when I get home and she is usually good for the night.

The video is not great. The lighting is bad and ONCE AGAIN I turned the camera the wrong way and cannot flip it the correct direction. It is 6:30 in the morning, dark, no one else was up, and I was trying to stay quiet. She did pretty well for it being her first time. She was grabbing for the spoon and seemed to like it. Then all of a sudden this week she stopped eating it. I picked up some sweet peas at the store and mix in a little bit of them. She seems to really like them. I have not had any problems getting her to eat the cereal and she is figuring out how to open her mouth the correct way.

Caught her just as she was about to roll.

Maylea and Daddy

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