On Sunday (12/27/09) we had our Urbanek Christmas in Smolan. We had pizza for lunch, visited, and did our traditional gift exchange. The kids had a blast playing together!!!
Aunt Tammi and Olivia

Aunt Peggy, Melody, Katelyn, Polaris, Brenda & Maylea, Aunt Lori, Josh M.

Much of the gang visiting

Josh M., Brenda, Maylea, Olivia, Aunt Tammi

Aunt Lori and Katelyn

Aunt Dalene, Aunt Peggy, Cori, Lisa, Keira

My cousins kids

Lunch time!

Another Olivia

Landin, Lane, and Cooper

Lane and Cooper

Jenny, Aunt Dalene, Andrew (Olivia)

Uncle Carl, Cori, Myself

Lane, Landin, Cooper, Katelyn, Melody, Olivia

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