When we first started Maylea was not a very happy camper. She did not want to stand for the picture.....I took one anyway. Then as we started walking towards the "trunk" area she seemed okay and ready to go. However, at the first stop there is a child with a mask on that scares the HECK out of our peacock.....she was done. We had to carry her a majority of the time.
Cooper did really well. As we walked to each vehicle he would say "Happy Trick or Treating." Then he did a really good job of saying thank you after they gave him the candy.
After we hit all the trunks we walked over to the "pumpkin patch" that they had set up. I wanted to get a couple of pictures with the kids and mom and dad needed to buy some pumpkins. Maylea again, DID NOT want her picture taken, so I got one of Cooper.
After we ate, we went back outside so that the kids could ride the "train" before we left. They decided they wanted to sit together. When they got back we had a hard time getting Maylea out.....we finally did something that she really enjoyed!

After we were done, we dropped G-gma Meyer off at her house and make one last stop at our friend Terri's house. Cooper was very excited to show her his "construction guy" costume. So excited that he couldn't wait for his sister to ring the doorbell. She had a couple special treats for the kids, we looked around at their new house, and decided to head home for the night. We assumed we would be putting the kids to bed, but we were WRONG......my children and a couple pieces of candy made for a bit of a late night!!!!!
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