Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jackson and Cooper's day of fun!

The Schroer's from Texas came to Wichita for a wedding. They had a very busy schedule with all the people they wanted to see, but we were able to find a little bit of time on Friday afternoon to get the boys together to play.

We started the afternoon at the bowling alley. The boys greeted each other with hugs. As a refresher for some of you, Jackson is 8 days older than Cooper. This is the same family we went to visit over spring break.

During the second game the boys started to loose interest a little bit. Ramie, Jackson's mom, started finding different ways for them to finish the game. They both enjoyed throwing the ball between their legs.

After we left the bowling alley we took the kids to the Sedgwick County Park. This is a new play area that they just opened in the last couple of months. It is a GREAT play area for kids. The first picture is a picture of the main play area. I am actually standing in another area that is designed for children 2-5 years old.

The boys had a blast even though both of them were EXTREMELY exhausted from not sleeping well the night before and not having naps. They RAN back and forth to both play areas. Both boys played hard for about an hour and a half before they hugged and said goodbye.

Giving hugs goodbye.

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