Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cooper says...

Cooper has said some really funny things over the last year. Joshua and I have tried to remember most of them, but it is hard if we don't write them down when he says them. Some of them may be more funny to us since we heard him say it, but thought I would share anyway.

Cooper went through a stage where everything was "cute." It didn't matter what it was. We would walk through the store and he would grab a can of peas and say, "mommy, this cute." Well, one day I needed his opinion on what I was wearing (Joshua was on the road). Coooper was in the bath, and I said, "Cooper what do you think of mommy's outfit?" Expecting to hear him say, "mommy, that's cute" this is what I hear instead, "mommy, I no like it. Take it off."

Grandma Sheri, "Cooper, help me pick up your toys."
Cooper, "I not want to."
Grandma, "Come on Cooper help grandma take them to the back bedroom."
Cooper, "Grandma, you do it. I to little."

Cooper call's his penis his potty (Joshua's doing). While daddy was changing Maylea's diaper....
"Daddy, why Maylea not have a potty?"

Cooper sitting on the potty while mommy in the bathroom with him. Cooper grabbed his penis and pulled it up. He wouldn't push it back down, so I did it for him. Cooper looks at me and says, "mommy, that's my potty you no play with it!"

Cooper is eating his dinner. He is eating everything except for his broccoli. Joshua tells him, "Cooper, you eat some broccoli, I will give you a surprise." (I had made brownies)
Cooper: "daddy, I don't like broccoli."
Joshua: "Cooper, you eat one I will eat one"
Cooper: "I not want to daddy."
Joshua: "come on, I'll give you a surprise"
Cooper puts a piece in his mouth and instantly starts to gag and throws up his dinner. He then says, "Daddy, I no like broccoli. Can I have a surprise now!"

Joshua and Cooper in the truck on the way to daycare.
Cooper: "Daddy, the sun is in my eyes, can you please turn it off."

Cooper after sitting on the potty for over five minutes, "Daddy, I get up now? My potty is just not working."

I know that there are other things that he has done and said, but I can not think of any more of them right now. As more of them come up, I will start putting them on the blog.

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