Monday, August 10, 2009


Every time we have gone over to visit our friend Terri, Cooper has asked to go swimming in their pool. One time while we were there Larry, Terri's husband, promised Cooper he would take him swimming when he was in town. While Cooper stayed with grandma and grandpa this weekend we made sure Larry stayed true to his promise.

Cooper had a great time swimming and going off the diving board.

Cooper is showing them how he can "dive" into the pool.
Cooper is at an age where he has quite an imagination. This is his pirate ship and he made Larry pull him around on it.
Cooper is showing grandma how he can swim underwater like Larry was doing. Blowing bubbles
floating on his back and kicking


GG Jane said...

Way to go Cooper, you're a real fish!!

MeMaw said...

Great pics, so glad Terri had her camera!! Hope the boys get a chance to swim together next summer.

Terri said...

Cooper, you can come back to swim anytime! Larry doesn't like to swim alone.