Maylea's birthday WEEK was a very busy one for us. With Joshua's dad in the hospital and everything we had to get done/ready the kid's schedules were completely out of whack. However, mid way through the week things started to get back to normal and everything started to fall into place for the weekend.
On Monday night (4/12) we had dinner with Aunt Cori and Uncle Luke before the kids and I headed home for the week (daddy stayed behind to be at the hospital with grandpa). Cori was just too excited for Maylea to open her gift that she decided to give it to here then. Maylea really enjoyed the stuffed animal and mommy loved the little outfits that she got. It is funny to me how Maylea immediately knows how to hug and cuddle a dolly or animal when she gets one.

Thursday, on Maylea's actual birthday, Grandma Gayle and Chantal brought dinner and ice cream cake out to our house to celebrate. I bought a birthday girl shirt for her to wear on her birthday and to her party. I tried to get a couple pictures of her in it. She wasn't cooperating and I later realized I had the camera on the wrong setting.

Eating her 1st birthday meal.

On Saturday while Cooper was down for his nap (Maylea was just getting up from hers) we decided to give Maylea her birthday gift from us (No big brother to try and "steal her thunder"). We had a VERY difficult time trying to decide what to get. We don't have any space in our house for anything 1st birthday worthy, many items we already have from Cooper growing up, and Joshua and I had had ZERO time to sit down to talk about it. I had seen this little water table online at Toys R Us and couldn't quite get Joshua on the same page. However, I was finally able to talk him into it, and it is a HUGE hit!!!! I knew that she would love it (she likes to play in the dog water and toilet water), and daddy is now glad that we got it. It is the perfect height for her, it is an outside toy, Cooper can play too, and she entertains herself while we are doing other things. YEAH!!!!!

That evening we had a little get together at the park with family and a few close friends. With everything that had been going on, Maylea was very good! Cooper even did a good job playing and letting it be her day. I was a little worried about his behavior while she opened presents and ate her cake, but having his buddy Hunter there (our daycare provide/friend's son) really helped. We had a BBQ dinner for everyone (pulled brisket sandwiches, BBQ meatballs, Baked beans, chips, veggies, broccoli cheese, and cheese potatoes). Everyone ate, we opened presents, and ate cake. The day was beautiful and Maylea got lots of great stuff!

Grandma Gayle made this cake

Grandma Sheri made this one.
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