Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Videos

Tried to get a couple videos of the kids. You can see/hear in one of them that the Slinky took all the attention away from the kids and that none of us know the dang jingle that goes with it. In the other video, I went to a new class at the gym called HoopFitness. It is a fitness class that uses Hula-Hoops for core strength. Cooper saw what I was doing and said, "momma, I saw you using your hoop-a-loop like this" and started to demonstrate. I was trying to get a video of him demonstrating and telling us what he calls it.....but you can hear how everyone else is trying to help!!!

1 comment:

Ramie Babcock said...

That is hysterical! We must have thought alike, because I heard a commercial for a Slinky on Monday, and went and got one for Jackson's basket too! HA! And Jack, like Coop, used it first as a yo-yo! i bought it becuase I thought, "I want Jackson to know what a slinky is!"

Hoopa-loop...too cute!!

Jackson's cousin Camden calls the laptop a pa-cooter....cracks me up every time!