Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cooper says,

We are not quite sure Cooper knows what this means yet, but if you ask him about being a big brother he will say, "I want siser".

Only God knows now, but in April we all hope to find out. That's right, April could be a big month for the Meyer family. For those of you who don't already have it on your calendar, Cori's wedding is scheduled for April 25th. Are you ready for this........Baby Hamlin, April 21st. GREAT TIMING!!!!!

This baby was planned, but not expected. Joshua and I ideally wanted to have our next baby around May or June. Well, come July we decided we better start trying, knowing we did not really want to get pregnant until August or September. However, I did not want to miss an opportunity to try not knowing how long it could take. We got lucky and got it on the first try with Cooper, but would that happen again? I was willing to take the chance and have a baby at the end of a school year, and not at the beginning (to much work for a sub). Well, once again, as with Cooper, we got the job done on the first try. I honestly did not think that I was pregnant when I took the test, but in no time at all the proof was there.

Currently, I am just about 11 weeks, almost done with the first trimester. So far this pregnancy has been easy like Cooper was, but very different.
With Cooper, I was already wearing Maternity shirts but not pants. Last time smells REALLY REALLY bothered me, not so much this time. With Cooper my belly went straight out and was high. This time I seem to be going more out on the sides and belly is lower. Finally, with Cooper I wanted spicy food. This time I have wanted sour and HATE mint flavored anything (I dread brushing my teeth).

I have been to the Dr. twice. The first time was just for paper work and blood work. The second time I was just over 8 weeks and we were able to find a heartbeat. It was 178. The first time we heard Cooper's it was 183.

I am finally past the days of being exhausted. That was tough!!!! Getting up at 5:45 for work, and getting home from volleyball practice around 7:00 made for some long days. Joshua was very supportive and let me sleep when I needed to.

So far so good, but I still worry every day. My pregnancy with Cooper was textbook. Are we lucky enough to have another one?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Our niece, Journey, celebrated her 5th birthday at the bowling alley this weekend. I took a couple pictures to put on the blog. I would have taken some video, but I am having such a difficult time with it that I didn't want to mess with it. Cooper did a really good job of waiting his turn. He got impatient a few times, but that is understandable.

New Post

I have added a new post. However, since I started it back in August, it has kept it in the same order in which I started it. If you would like to view the video, please scroll down just below the Labor Day weekend post. You should see Our little "Guitar Hero" there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend was a very busy weekend for our family. Friday night, I had volleyball practice and Joshua took Cooper to Eldorado to meet "uncle Loot" (Uncle Luke). Cooper stayed Friday night with Luke and Cori, and then Saturday afternoon and night with Grandma and Grandpa Meyer. When Joshua and I got home we met some friends for dinner and called it a night.

Saturday started bright and early for us. We were playing in a softball tournament in Harveyville (about 45 min. from us). Our first game was at 9 am, and our last at 10 pm. We had a full day of softball, but some beautiful weather to play in. We got home about 1 am and were ready for bed.

We got up Sunday morning and had two family reunions and our nieces birthday party to attend. We were able to make both reunions, but did not make it for the birthday.

On Monday, Gayle (Joshua's mom), Chantal (Joshua's sister), Todd's family (Joshua's brother), and us all drove to Wichita to go to the zoo. We got to Wichita around 11:30 and stopped at mom and dads for lunch. We did not stay long, but enjoyed the quick visit. We got to the zoo about noon and spent just over 4 hours walking around. All the children seemed to enjoy it and behaved well.

Cooper did not really like the petting zoo as much as he did last time. He was a little more intimidated by the animals. He did not want to be put down and would not let them eat out of his hand.

Journey and Cooper

Cooper really liked the bear. He kept saying, "momma, he twimmin'".

When I was putting him to bed that night, I asked him what he saw at the zoo, and the bear was the first thing out of his mouth.

I would say the lion was another favorite. When we first got to the window, no one else was around. Cooper would stand against the window and say, "hi lion, hi!"

My cousin Linda gave Cooper a giraffe beanie baby when we were staying with her during grandpa's funeral. Ever since then he has really liked them. He knew exactly what they were when we got to them.
We got a cute picture of the three kids before we left. Baby Lanie was asleep again and didn't get in the picture. Joshua finally found some time to mow are yard during Labor Day weekend. The yard had needed it for about a week. Cooper thought that he better grab his mower and help too.

On our way home from the family reunions on Sunday we took our time. We had to drive through Council Grove and decided to drive around the lake. We stopped at DQ and grabbed some ice cream first and then headed out to the lake. Cooper does not like ice cream, we assume because it is cold, but I thought i would try and ice cream sandwich. Cooper ate all the cookie on the outside layer and left all the ice cream. When I turned around and saw him I said, "Oh my goodness, Cooper you are a mess!" Cooper just laughed and said, "momma, take my picture." How could I refuse! The kid never wants his picture taken, but he must be getting used to it. Cooper had to ride home that way and then got in the bath!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I know that it has been awhile, but I promise to have some new stuff next week. I have some stuff from Labor Day weekend to share!