Friday, March 4, 2011

Basketball Practice

We signed Cooper up for 6 weeks of instructional basketball at the Emporia Rec. Center. Each practice was guided by college kids that worked at the Rec, but each kid was taught/coached by their parent. Joshua and I tag-teamed these practices. Joshua went when he was around and I went the couple of times he was out of town.

Both of us were pleasantly surprised with Cooper's skill. Many kids when trying to shoot a ball shoot with both hands. Cooper very quickly learned to only shoot with one hand. For only being 4 years old I was quickly impressed with his shooting form. I have 8th graders who still shoot with two hands!

At practices, they would work on: Shooting, passing (chest and bounce), dribbling, and agilities. Cooper would tell you, "Agilities, that's running!"

At his last practice, Maylea wanted to play too!

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